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You are then like the fisherman
who controls neither the fish nor the water
Trusting - rediscovering again and again the natural ways life happens to us, constantly changing and moving, we are nature, we are energy, we are intelligence we need to re-connect and re-member our naturalness again, to free our selves from the chains of conditioning and patterns that we have assume mentally and bodily from a self defense mechanism that has support and protect us so far, but in the long run it doesn't allow us to be free and authentic as we truly are.
Satya invite and guide us through meditation to recognize the always present living awareness field of pure intelligence with and without us, to recognize our true body of living light, beyond the ideas of light and darkness, an exploration to a dimension of existence mostly ignored by us, here is where reside the very source of all healing mentally, energetically and physiologically.
There is so much joy and love to re-unite to our being a body, as we say incarnation, it is incredible to hear and see how we do relate to our bodies and here we include de brain -mind ideas, and who we really are in relation to this cosmology, living in with the environment -world -relations, so much is related to how we do feel and know our own being in relation to our body -mind.
cuerpo de luz "body of light"
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